Shocking: Jim Schlossnagle I took the job to mislead Texas A&M sea…

“I took the job at Texas A&M to never take another job again and that hasn’t changed in my mind.” – Jim Schlossnagle last night after the College World Series

“I think it’s pretty selfish of you to ask me that question, to be honest with you,” Schlossnagle said. “But I left my family to be the coach at Texas A&M.

I took the job at Texas A&M to never take another job again. And that hasn’t changed in my mind. That’s unfair to talk about something like that. …

“I understand you’ve gotta ask the question. But I gave up a big part of my life to come take this job, and I’ve poured every ounce of my soul in this job. And I’ve given this job every single ounce I can possibly give it. Write that.”

“I didn’t intentionally mislead them,” Schlossnagle said. “That’s a very fair question for you to ask because that is what I said. In that moment, that’s exactly how I felt.”

“If I had left Texas A&M for some other school in a different part of the country, the interesting text messages and messages that I got yesterday probably wouldn’t have happened,” he continued. “But I get it.

“You can’t ask for your fan base to support you and be passionate like the 12th Man always has been but really was this year. … You can’t ask for that like I did and our staff did and then expect everybody to be OK with a coach leaving for its rival school. And I get it.

“All I can say is, I have a career too. I have a personal life as well. I have goals. I just simply felt like — no negative at A&M — just the positive of the alignment and frankly my relationship with [Texas athletic director] Chris [Del Conte]. … As hard as that decision was, I could not walk away from it.”

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